Nationals Say They Breath-Test Every MP Before Parliament to Ensure They Are Over the Limit — The Shovel

Nationals Say They Breath-Test Every MP Before Parliament to Ensure They Are Over the Limit

The National Party has hit back at renewed calls for alcohol breath-testing in Parliament, saying they’ve been using breathalysers to ensure their MPs are absolutely hosed for years.

“A policy is already in place within the party to ensure that no National politician enters a Parliamentary sitting or a Senate Estimates hearing sober,” a spokesperson for the Nationals said.

“It would be deeply inappropriate, and certainly not within the Party’s values, for a member to contribute to the law-making of this country with a zero blood alcohol level”.

He said that working for the Nationals while sober could lead to clear judgement, alertness and a sense of responsibility to the electorate. “The last thing we want is someone turning up to work with a clear head and realising they’ve been bought by mining companies at the expense of local residents’ interest”.

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