Neo-Nazi Finally Agrees to Stop Rallies After Mum Threatens to Take Away Pocket Money — The Shovel

Neo-Nazi Finally Agrees to Stop Rallies After Mum Threatens to Take Away Pocket Money

A group of two dozen little neo-Nazi man babies decided not to rally in Sydney for a fourth consecutive day after Mum said she’d dock their pocket money and change the wi-fi password if they did.

Wearing the black balaclavas they’d saved up for all by themselves, the men rallied through Sydney streets on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but hurried back home on Monday after Mum started counting back from ten.

“We were all ready to go but then we heard Mum say, ‘THREE. TWO-AND-A-HALF’, so we decided to pull the pin,” said one 38 year-old man.

Another said it was an easy decision to scrap the rallies in the end. “White supremacy is important. But Mum said she’d take away our Xbox if we went out again, so that pretty quickly put things into perspective”.

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