Saying he wanted to get on top of a backlog of tasks before the Christmas break, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has today called for an end to the murder of innocent Palestinians, requested further information about the ‘coronavirus’ spreading through Wuhan, China, and launched the official ‘Yes’ campaign for the Voice to Parliament.
“There were a whole heap of things piling up, so it feels good to finally clear the decks,” Albanese said, noting that he had sent a text to his wife this morning wishing her a happy birthday for April.
The PM conceded he had fallen behind on some tasks, but said it was better late than never. “Sure, the Voice referendum has been and gone now and 18,000 Palestinians have died, but things have been busy, busy, busy!” he said, adding that he hoped Australians had a safe and enjoyable Easter break.
In a further statement released today, Albanese sent his condolences for those who had lost their lives in the September 11 terrorist attacks, but cautioned the US against responding with military action in Afghanistan or Iraq.