FBI Concedes It May Never Identify Which Trump Staffer Didn’t Consult With Russians During Election — The Shovel

FBI Concedes It May Never Identify Which Trump Staffer Didn’t Consult With Russians During Election

In a frank admission about its investigation, the FBI says it may never uncover the one guy within the Trump campaign team who didn’t meet with the Russians during the election.

Speculation has been rife that a Trump aide – possibly someone senior – had his days mixed up and missed his briefing with the Kremlin. But an FBI spokesperson said that while there was a lot of circumstantial evidence, it was difficult to find hard evidence.

“There are a lot of theories, a lot of opinions. But we need more than that, as you know,” he said.

“So while it’s possible that someone within Trump’s team didn’t meet with the Putin administration, we simply may never know who that was, or if indeed, it’s actually the case at all”.

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