In a Fitting Tribute to Scott Morrison, His Farewell Dinner Has Been Announced but Will Not Be Implemented — The Shovel

In a Fitting Tribute to Scott Morrison, His Farewell Dinner Has Been Announced but Will Not Be Implemented

Scott Morrison’s farewell dinner in The Shire has been announced and then quietly cancelled, in a touching tribute to the former PM’s reputation for never actually going through with anything.

Organisers of the event said they wanted to create a send-off for Morrison that captured the essence of his time in office. “When we thought back to what he had achieved as PM we came up with absolutely nothing. And that’s when we knew we’d hit on the perfect farewell,” one of the organisers said. “What better way to honour the man than with an elaborately-announced but never-actually-implemented leaving do?”

Organisers went to the trouble of printing invitations, engaging event consultants and organising PR for the event. “We wasted a lot of money; we wanted it to be authentic”.

The event received RSVPs from five formers cabinet ministers, all of whom were Scott Morrison.

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