A newly proposed policy that has been labelled unnecessarily cruel will see young criminals and repeat offenders spending a year in the National Party as punishment for their transgressions.
Anti-crime advocate Jonathan Ryan said there needed to be a harsher deterrent for young would-be criminals, given current strategies weren’t working. “These kids don’t fear prison any more. But tell them they’ll have to spend three months in a Party Room with Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan and they will very quickly find more productive pursuits,” he said.
He said, rather than city-based prisons, offenders needed to be placed in a remote, barren part of the country that contained no intelligent life. “The National Party fits the bill perfectly. It’s a genuine deterrent.
“Our message to young people is this: think twice before you break into a house or steal a car, because you could be locked in a room with Barnaby Joyce while he talks about windfarms”. Critics say the proposed law is disproportionate and needlessly cruel.
The National Party’s previous strategy for dealing with repeat offenders was to promote them to National Party leader.