Noting that this was a great opportunity to snap up a mug now that the message on the front finally made sense, former PM Scott Morrison has been spied outside Parliament House trying to shift the remaining ‘Back in Black’ coffee mugs that were printed while he was in office.
With the Labor Government apparently set to deliver Australia’s first surplus in over a decade, Morrison said he was simply making the most of an opportunity. “I’m a marketing man. Couldn’t give a stuff whether it’s Labor or Liberal who’s delivered the surplus. If there’s a buck in it for me, I’m there”.
He said he was running out of other options to make money. “I’m literally unemployable once I leave Parliament. Selling old merchandise out of the back of my car is pretty-much the only prospect I have. I’ll do two for $30. Get one for your Mum for Mother’s Day. Ok, how about two for $25?”