Barnaby Joyce, Vikki Campion To Use $150k Interview Money To Pay For Their Son’s Therapy When He’s Older — The Shovel

Barnaby Joyce, Vikki Campion To Use $150k Interview Money To Pay For Their Son’s Therapy When He’s Older

Barnaby Joyce and his new partner Vikki Campion have sold the story of their relationship to the Seven Network for $150,000, saying they would put the money in a trust fund so their son can pay to treat the resulting psychological damage when he’s older. 

“We’re going to spend the best part of an hour telling Australia how I cheated on my wife, got his mum up the duff, and then publically questioned his paternity, so the least I could do is put the money aside for some professional help later in life,” Mr Joyce said.

“Fair dinkum. He’s going to be a mess when he’s old enough to work out what an ars*hole his dad is!”

Mr Joyce said all he asked for was that the media respected the privacy of his new son. “Which is why we’re doing a prime time interview about him on Channel 7’s Sunday. Make sure you tune in!”


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