Trump Vows To Protect The US From All Foreign Undocumented Hurricanes — The Shovel

Trump Vows To Protect The US From All Foreign Undocumented Hurricanes

With the impending threat of Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean, US President Donald Trump has taken a tough stance against tropical storms travelling from south of the border.

He used a press conference today to condemn foreign hurricanes travelling to the US.

“These hurricanes are a drain to the American taxpayer and they can expect the authorities to keep a very close eye on them.”

“When these hurricanes get here, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing floods, they’re bringing rain, they’re rapists.”

Hurricane Irma has been classified as the worst storm in Atlantic history, or as climate change deniers call it: “bad luck”.

Meanwhile, the President visited areas affected by Hurricane Harvey, taking a break from his tweet schedule. Both have caused mass damage across the US.


By Martin Ingle

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