Labor Tells MPs to Say “We Encourage a Broad Range of Views”, or Face Expulsion From Party — The Shovel

Labor Tells MPs to Say “We Encourage a Broad Range of Views”, or Face Expulsion From Party


A set of mandatory talking points sent to all Labor MPs says that Labor espouses a wide range of views and differing opinions.

Anthony Albanese has faced intense criticism following his decision to suspended Fatima Payman from the party’s caucus for crossing the floor on a vote about Palestinian statehood.

But according to the talking points which Labor MPs have been ordered to recount at risk of being frozen out of the party, “the party is, and has always been, accepting of alternate views”.

“We are a party that is built on tolerance, acceptance and a diversity of opinion” one talking point read, accompanied by a note in the margin which declared “SAY THIS PHRASE IN YOUR MEDIA INTERVIEWS TODAY OR PENNY AND I WILL NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN!”

Another talking point (next to a Post It Note from Anthony Albanese which said, “I’d advise you to think very carefully before making any statement to the contrary”) read “One of our strengths as a party is that we have members from all across Australia, from all sorts of different backgrounds, and we welcome their unique perspectives and ideas”.

Asked about her thoughts of the mandatory talking points, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said “We are a party that is built on tolerance, acceptance and a diversity of opinion”

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