OPINION: “The world is full of whingers these days. Walk the local high street or browse social media and all you hear is ‘can’t’. “I can’t pay my power bill!” “I can’t find a place to rent!” “I can’t afford to eat!”
Well I don’t subscribe to that sort of thinking. I’ve found that with a positive attitude, a bit of hard work and a spouse who’s on the Sunday Times Rich List, making your way in the world is pretty straight forward. It’s about mindset.
I didn’t always think that way. I was a lefty once too – whinging about how to pay the bills, or how to afford a home. But everyone starts off as a lefty and then wakes up at some point and finds themselves in bed next to a property developer worth 1.6 billion pounds. And then you go realise what crap ideas they all were. And then you go to the right.
The problem with the left is that they always want someone else to step in and fix everything for them. Yet I’ve found that once you start to take responsibility and start living in a £175 million penthouse apartment in Hyde Park that your husband built, you release that you can actually look after yourself, without being reliant on anyone else”.