Saying he wanted to bring a more progressive perspective to the network, Lachlan Murdoch has appointed Tony Abbott to the Fox News board, with the former PM’s views on same-sex marriage, abortion and race relations likely to ruffle a few feathers amongst Fox viewers.
“A lot of our viewers think that someone who has an abortion should be executed, whereas Tony only thinks they should go to Hell. So he really will give people a more compassionate, nuanced view. I’m looking forward to the contest of ideas,” Murdoch said.
He said Abbott’s perspective would be useful on a lot of different topic areas. “When we cover say, the morality of same sex marriage, we only look at it from one angle – the American angle. But I want to consider other opinions. Like, what’s the Australian view on why same sex marriage is evil? That’s the kind of breadth of opinion we’re after”.
While this is the first time he has served on the board, Abbott has been working for News Corp since the early 1990s.
Headline by Andrew Biro