Adelaide woman Lucy Hickson says she’s a big supporter of up-and-coming musical talent but has questioned the need to change the constitution in order to promote it.
“What’s next, a referendum on Australia’s Got Talent? A constitutional amendment to include MasterChef? I mean, I love these shows as much as the next person, but it does seem to be getting a bit out of hand”.
She said she didn’t see the need to go to a polling booth when there was already a perfectly good voting system in place. “I can just go to the Channel 7 website and vote directly there. Not sure why the Australian Electoral Commission needs to get involved to be honest”.
Hickson said she’d heard some people believed more detail was required before they could vote on The Voice, but she disagreed. “Nah I don’t think so. After the Blind Auditions, the Callbacks, The Battles and then the insights from Guy Sebastian and the other judges, I think you have everything you need to make an informed decision”.