War crime enthusiast and Channel 7 favourite Ben Roberts-Smith has been confirmed as the new face of Sunrise, with the network saying he will be perfect for the role.
“He’s a bit of a larrikin, he likes a laugh, he’s white. He’ll be perfect at Seven,” a spokesperson said.
The network said they weren’t concerned about the fact that Roberts-Smith – who was previously employed at Seven and whose court case was funded by the network’s owner Kerry stokes – had been found to have committed serious crimes.
“Yep we did look into his background. He does has a history of violence and criminal activity, he’s quite possibly racist. He’s what at Seven we call ‘the perfect fit’.
“Look, you can get hung up on little details like ‘war crimes’ or ‘kicking a man off the side of the cliff’, but really the only question we’re concerned with is, ‘will it rate?’”
He said Roberts-Smith was ‘colourful’ but relatable. “Who amongst us hasn’t drunk out of a dead man’s prosthetic leg? Actually I think we did that for a segment on Sunrise once”.