Up-and-coming novelist Patrick Coomb today announced that work is well underway on an entirely new email signature.
It builds on the success of his debut signature, which he spent most of last year crafting.
Coomb was tight-lipped on the specifics of what fans could expect for his latest offering, but he did drop some hints via social media. “It will include my name, some contact details, an inspirational quote, a logo, several legal disclaimers and a bit about reminding people to think before they print. It’s a substantial piece of work”.
Coomb’s agent and mother Elizabeth Coomb said Patrick was at the forefront of the emerging genre. “If you look around the world, a lot of the best long-form writing at the moment is being done in email signatures”.
Coomb’s latest email signature will be widely available from November to anyone who emails him and receives a reply.
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