Nigerian Scammer Sells Greenland to Donald Trump for 10,000 Bitcoins — The Shovel

Nigerian Scammer Sells Greenland to Donald Trump for 10,000 Bitcoins

Shutterstock/Chip Somodevilla

Donald Trump has clicked on an email titled CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO PURCHASE GREENLAND and sent over a billion dollars’ worth of bitcoin to a bank account in Nigeria.

Announcing the ‘purchase’ today, Trump said he had been specially chosen to purchase the landmass at a discount price by Prince Omar Abacha, a respected member of the Nigerian aristocracy.

“Not a lot of people know this, but until I bought it today, Greenland was actually a territory of Nigeria, not Denmark,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social.

“As Prince Abacha explained in his email, he wanted to seize the opportunity to extend his beloved compliments of the new season to me and my family and hoped that this year will bring more joy, happiness and prosperity into my household”.

“He also said he had inherited Greenland from his father, the King of Nigeria, who recently passed away, but he wanted me to have it, which is nice.

“He’s a great guy, very respected, very wealthy. We’re going to have dinner soon. He said I just need to transfer him some money to buy his flight across to the US, because apparently his bank account is frozen right now”.

In unrelated news, the entire US Government IT system has been disabled due to a virus.

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