Man Enters 3rd Hour Trying to Figure Out 2-Hour Parking Sign — The Shovel

Man Enters 3rd Hour Trying to Figure Out 2-Hour Parking Sign

A Melbourne man was this morning trying to decipher a street parking bay that apparently allows parking from 6:00am and 7:00am Monday to Thursday, or 7:08am and 11:30am on Fridays, except on public holidays or Saturdays, when it is a tow-away zone between 1:14pm and midnight, unless Venus is in retrograde, in which case it’s a fourteen-minute loading zone, or 1-hour parking for R31 permit holders.

“Of course Sundays are totally different,” a spokesperson for the space advised. “Then parking is free all day, which is great. Except between 8:00am and 11:00am, and 6:00am and 5:00pm of course, when it’s $3.30 per hour, or $8 in summer, $6.39 if there’s cloud cover. It’s all pretty obvious really. Just read the sign”.

The spokesperson said a specific app needed to be downloaded to pay for the parking, which made the whole process easy. “Just download the app, register your details, wait for the confirmation email, upload your credit card number, type in a 13-digit code, type in your number plate, walk back to your car to make sure you got your number plate right, realise that it’s now after 11:30am and parking is no longer allowed, then get back in your car and drive away. It couldn’t be simpler”.

He confirmed that the fine for parking during no-parking hours was $5,000. “Forty thousand if the fine is issued between 3pm and 4pm on Tuesdays. Obviously”.

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