Trump Signs Executive Order Requiring All Americans to Be Friends With Elon Musk — The Shovel

Trump Signs Executive Order Requiring All Americans to Be Friends With Elon Musk

Shutterstock/Anna Moneymaker

Elon Musk will finally achieve his dream of people liking him, after President Trump made it a criminal offence not to, in an executive order signed today.

In what is believed to be a quid pro quo for over US$270 million in campaign donations, the executive order will also require Americans to laugh at Elon Musk’s jokes, a harsh stipulation which some experts say may contravene human rights.

In an interview today, Trump said of all the executive orders, this is the one Musk wanted most of all. “I asked him what he wanted in return for his $270 million, and I’ll be honest, I was thinking maybe he’d ask for looser regulations or lower taxes. But he told me, ‘I just so desperately want people to like me’. And I said, it’s ok, we’re going to make that happen”.

Musk, who now has over 320 million friends, said that at less than $1 per friend, it was a good investment.

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