“What We Need Is More Masculine Energy” Female Employee Mansplains to Mark Zuckerberg Moments After He Suggests Facebook Needs More Masculine Energy — The Shovel

“What We Need Is More Masculine Energy” Female Employee Mansplains to Mark Zuckerberg Moments After He Suggests Facebook Needs More Masculine Energy

Increasing the volume of her voice to drown out everyone else in the room, a female employee at Facebook has floated the idea of injecting more masculine energy at the company, just seconds after CEO Mark Zuckerberg suggested the same thing.

“I think having a culture that celebrates masculine energy a little more is something we should consider,” Zuckerberg said, before intern Priya Jindal interrupted, saying “Do you know what I think this company needs? A little more masculine energy. Mark, do you want to send around a company update to that effect? Thanks sweetie”.

Zuckerberg went to rebuke the woman for claiming his idea as her own, but she didn’t catch what he said because she had to step out to take a call. “Sorry I’ve got to take this, it’s more important than this meeting. You guys continue without me,” she said, standing up and walking out of the meeting.

Returning to the room, an angry Zuckerberg again went to explain that the idea was his, but was again interrupted. “You should smile more,” Jindal suggested, and then asked for a pay rise.

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