American Teen Looks Up From Phone for First Time Since 2022, After TikTok Briefly Switched Off — The Shovel

American Teen Looks Up From Phone for First Time Since 2022, After TikTok Briefly Switched Off

Ohio teenager Sam Maric has lifted his eyes for the first time in over two years, after a message on TikTok confirmed that the app was currently unavailable in the United States.

After spending several minutes frantically tapping his phone in an attempt to get it to start playing videos again, the teen was left with no choice but to briefly raise his head to see if others were experiencing the same issue.

Initially unsure how to use his neck, the teen eventually adjusted, briefly scanning the area around him, before returning to his phone to find an alternative video-sharing app.

Maric said the outside world hadn’t changed much over the past two years, although it did appear he had a new baby sister.

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