Hot Singles in Your Area Say There’s Definitely No Need for Fact-Checking on Social Media — The Shovel

Hot Singles in Your Area Say There’s Definitely No Need for Fact-Checking on Social Media

A Hot Single in Your Area who is looking for fun with no strings attached says fact checking on the internet is totally boring.

Cindy Valentine, real name Darryl, said verifying every single little detail online was for losers and wasted valuable time that we could spend chatting right now.

“People get so caught up in the boring details. Let’s have some fun getting to know each other online instead!” said the part-time waitress who lives in your neighbourhood in his Mum’s spare bedroom in rural Oklahoma.

The 21-year-old Cindy, 48, said fact-checking wasn’t sexy. “It’s such a turn-off. The only thing I want to verify is your credit card details,” he said.


Headline by Anthony Bell

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