Dyslexic Man Relieved Israel Has Finally Called Ceasefire Against His Mate Gazza — The Shovel

Dyslexic Man Relieved Israel Has Finally Called Ceasefire Against His Mate Gazza

Local dyslexic man Jim Johnson said it was a total relief to read that the long-running conflict between the state of Israel and his best mate Gazza was coming to a halt.

“I’m not even sure what it was about, to be honest,” Johnson said. “But it’ll be nice to wake up each morning and not have to read headlines about how Gazza is under attack. He’s done nothing to deserve this. Sure the guy can be a bit of a prick sometimes, everyone knows that. But the response from Israel has been over the top”.

He agreed the situation was complex. “No shit it’s complex when it’s your mate from primary school who is involved in a long-running international conflict. It’s baffling to think the international community has allowed it to be going on for this long”.

Johnson’s friends have tried to tell him he may have things confused. “One of my mates said it’s actually pronounced ‘Gaza’ not ‘Gazza’.  Well, that’s a very posh way to pronounce the nickname of someone called Garry”.


Headline by Anthony Bell

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