Danish Queen Shows Support for Greenland: “I Also Grew Up in a Cold, Miserable Island Ignored by Mainlanders” — The Shovel

Danish Queen Shows Support for Greenland: “I Also Grew Up in a Cold, Miserable Island Ignored by Mainlanders”

With Greenland under threat from a Trump administration that wants to take over the Danish territory, Denmark’s Queen has come to her subjects’ support.

“Having grown up on a cold, obscure island that everyone else forgets exists, I feel a special affinity with Greenlanders” the former Tasmanian said.

“As I’ve said to many Greenlanders, ‘I can relate to you’, which is actually similar to the popular Tasmanian saying, ‘I am related to you’”.

Donald Trump Jr visited Greenland this week and asked locals what it was like to live in an ice-cold, cultureless void on the edge of the earth, to which one local replied, “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Queen Mary”.


Headline by Anthony Bell

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