Elderly Felon to Spend Four Years at Federal Government Institution — The Shovel

Elderly Felon to Spend Four Years at Federal Government Institution

Shutterstock/Michael Candelori

A 78-year-old Florida man, who was found guilty of paying hush money to a stripper last year, will spend the next four years housed in a high-security government facility.

The man will enter the heavily-protected facility, nick-named ‘The White House’, later this month. The building is said to have an exercise yard, gardens and 3,200 dedicated security personnel. The institution has a history of housing a range of high-risk offenders, including war criminals and slave owners.

It is unclear what the man will spend his days doing, however insiders say he will be given the opportunity to undertake some activities. “Exercise, read, dismantle female re-productive rights – that sort of thing,” one source explained.

Some legal experts are already suggesting the man’s four-year spell in the institution may be extended.

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