MAGA Dad Torn Between Voting for Daughter’s Bodily Autonomy or Cheaper Gas — The Shovel

MAGA Dad Torn Between Voting for Daughter’s Bodily Autonomy or Cheaper Gas

Iowa dad Jim Cabbot says he will have to make one of the toughest decisions of his life today when he either votes to protect his daughter’s right to do what she wants with her body, or for the potential to save 2-3 cents a gallon on a tank of gas.

“It’s just so difficult because there are compelling arguments on both sides,” Cabbot said on his way to a polling booth today.

“On the one hand you’ve got Kamala Harris saying she will ensure that women won’t be left to die if they have a miscarriage. On the other, you’ve got Donald Trump who has made the unverifiable claim that my gas bill might be a little cheaper if I vote for him. How do you make a call on that?

“I mean, bodily autonomy is important, but have you seen gas prices at the moment? So yeah, it’s really tough”.

As he approached the polling booth he said he had finally come to a decision. “I love my daughter, but I’ve got an oversized truck to fill up with gas each week. She’ll understand”.

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