Albanese to Wait for Coalition Position Before Taking Own Stance on Trick or Treating — The Shovel

Albanese to Wait for Coalition Position Before Taking Own Stance on Trick or Treating


The Prime Minister is yet to take a position on whether to give out treats or withstand tricks from local children this Halloween, saying it was a complex issue that required careful deliberation.

In a media conference this morning, the PM said he would not be rushed into making a decision on the matter. “There are strong arguments for both approaches and I think it’s important that we consider all avenues, as well as hear what Peter Dutton has to say on the issue, before we formulate our own position”.

He said there were a lot of different pros and cons to consider. “What are the costs of giving out treats? What is the potential damage that could be done if we give the green light to tricks? What are the focus groups saying on all of this? These are the questions we need to consider.

“What we don’t want to do is make a bold announcement on trick or treating, only to have to change it a day later. It’s much better to equivocate for three days, then make a hasty last-minute decision, and then change it again a day later anyway”.

In an update late this morning, the Prime Minister’s office said the decision on trick or treating would be delayed until after the next election.

Meanwhile, Peter Dutton said he would once again be dressing up as himself this Halloween.

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