The Walsh family in Brisbane has confirmed they have just 1,432 rolls of toilet paper left from when they inexplicably stripped the aisles of every supermarket in their region four years ago.
“I’m glad we stockpiled when we could. I heard a lot of stories about people in our area running out. Although that could have been because we bought every roll within a five kilometre radius, it’s hard to know,” Henry Walsh said.
“Our kids have spent the last few years sleeping in the bath given they’ve had to give up their bedroom to store the paper. And I had to build a separate storage facility in the back yard. But otherwise it’s been worth totally it.
“I actually wish I’d bought more. With only 120 dozen rolls on hand, I’m starting to panic that we’ll run out, which will mean we’ll have to lose our minds in the supermarket again as we aggressively fight over extra-strength Quilton.
Headline by Adam Reakes