Young people say the Government’s proposed ban on social media does not go far enough, calling for a total ban on the entire internet after Bruce Lehrmann’s lawyer suggested his client could be forced to use OnlyFans.
“We’re calling on the Government to shut down the world wide web and all internet connectivity immediately,” Sarah Grechon, a youth advocate said. “We simply cannot risk accidentally stumbling across images or – God forbid – videos of Bruce Lehrmann trying to raise funds via a website that is primarily used for porn”.
She said while the risk was low, it wasn’t zero. “One minute you’re watching a skincare hack on TikTok, next thing you know you’ve accidentally clicked on a video of Bruce Lehrmann. Young people simply do not have the mental health reserves to take that sort of chance”.
Advocates concede that going without all internet connectivity will be difficult, but argue it is a small price to pay for being protected from Lehrmann. “Sure, I like the internet, but no that much, Grechon said.
Meanwhile Lehrmann’s lawyers say they are considering an OnlyFans account for their client whereby users would pay not to see his content. “We think the us could raise considerable funds very quickly”.