“Let’s Not Politicise October 7” Politicians Declare in Series of National Press Conferences and Full-Page Opinion Pieces — The Shovel

“Let’s Not Politicise October 7” Politicians Declare in Series of National Press Conferences and Full-Page Opinion Pieces

Politicians have used press releases, television and radio interviews, social media posts, op-eds and media conferences to remind people that the anniversary of the October 7 attacks in Israel is not the time or place for politics.

“This is not a day for publicity stunts or political point scoring” a talking point prepared by one politician’s media team read.

“This is about the victims, not politicians promoting themselves <emphasise this point on the TV interview I’ve set up at 8am>” another talking point read.

Other politicians said holding a protest on the anniversary of the attacks was unsavoury. “Today is a day for quiet reflection and national media interviews, not parading around in public,” one MP said.

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