Peter Dutton has finally put a date on when his party will reveal its 2030 emission reduction targets, saying Australians only had to wait another 26 years to see the detail.
“We’re not going to rush into this. We’ll take a measured approach, which means waiting to see how much Australia’s emissions are in 2030, allowing a further two decades to pass, and then putting in place a target that is no longer relevant,” Dutton said today.
He denied his party was shirking responsibility by not putting a target in place now. “No, I don’t accept that at all. Like I’ve just said, we will put a target in place, but only once we’ve first seen whether we’ve met the target or not, and making sure everyone has forgotten about it. That’s what I mean by a measured approach.
“I’m not going to be bullied into putting forward a number now that we expect to hit in the future. That’s not how targets work. At least not in the Liberal Party.
“If we set targets that way, then we’d probably have 50% of our Party made up by women by now. What is far more useful is for me to reveal to you now that our target for the number of women in Parliament by the year 2000 is 20%. I think we can achieve that”.