Scott Morrison says he was left with no choice but to join deep-sea mining organisation Seafloor Minerals, after attempts to find people to buy his book on land failed.
“We’ve looked everywhere, across several continents, to try and find someone who would want to spend $29.95 on a 270-page book about how God chose me to be Prime Minister, but unfortunately there were no takers,” Morrison explained.
“But we never give up. As God says in Matthew 7:8, ‘Seek and ye shall find’, which roughly translates to ‘If you’re desperate for money, join a multi-national deep-sea mining company with Mike Pompeo’”.
He said he was confident sales would increase once the ocean floor was scoured. “Around 70% of the Earth is water, so we’re pretty sure we’ll find someone, or something, that’s interested in reading my comparison between Moses’s staff and my baseball cap. It’s captivating stuff”.
Those close to Morrison say the new role at the deep-sea mining company was in keeping with his philosophy on life. “He’s never been afraid to plumb new depths for personal gain,” one colleague said.