“Shirts Don’t Iron Themselves”: Tony Abbott on Why Liberal Party Needs More Women — The Shovel

“Shirts Don’t Iron Themselves”: Tony Abbott on Why Liberal Party Needs More Women


Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the Liberal Party needs to recruit more women if it is to have any chance of keeping up with the growing housekeeping demands of a modern political party.

In a speech today, Abbott said the party was losing touch with modern laundry standards. “People look at the Liberal Party in 2024 and what they see is a bunch of white men with crinkled shirts, when what they want to see is a bunch of white men with beautifully pressed shirts. No wonder we’re down in the polls.

“I don’t need to tell you that shirts don’t iron themselves. And blokes don’t iron them either. Which is why we need to be a lot better at attracting well-qualified women into the party’s ranks. Women who have links to their community ironing groups, and who have the talent to know how to select the right ironing setting for any fabric”.

The former Minister for Women said when people walked past a local Liberal Party office they want to see themselves reflected back.  “But unfortunately without women to clean the windows, the windows of those offices will remain smudgy, and people won’t see themselves reflected at all”.

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