Splendour in the Grass to Be Replaced by “4,000 Poker Machines in the Grass” — The Shovel

Splendour in the Grass to Be Replaced by “4,000 Poker Machines in the Grass”

A consortium of gaming companies has taken over Splendour in the Grass, saying they are simply following the standard operating model for the hospitality industry.

“This is an exciting new development for Splendour,” a spokesperson for the consortium said. “We’ll be making just a few small tweaks to the format – taking away the artists, their instruments, the stages and the food stalls and replacing them with 4,000 highly-addictive gaming machines. Punters will hardly notice the difference”.

He said his industry had a lot of experience in making live music profitable.  “You just take away the live music”.

He denied accusations they were ruining the music industry. “Not true at all. There will be a lot of music at our festival – a lot of dings and bleeps and other sounds carefully honed to create an addictive gaming experience. It’ll be a great vibe”.


Headline by Anthony Bell


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