‘Right to Disconnect’ Laws Mean Man Can Doom Scroll for 8 Hours Each Night Without Being Interrupted — The Shovel

‘Right to Disconnect’ Laws Mean Man Can Doom Scroll for 8 Hours Each Night Without Being Interrupted

Australia’s new ‘Right to Disconnect’ laws, passed this week, mean Melbourne man Andrew Torini can get home at 6pm and then relentlessly scroll through unfulfilling social media feeds non-stop until 2am, without the hassle of getting an email from his boss.

“It’s nice that it’s finally been acknowledged that I have a life outside of work,” the 32-year-old said, while desperately scrolling through videos of people reacting to their friends farting, and a guy in Tennessee cleaning his carpet.

“The workday is stressful enough as it is. When I get home all I want to do is sit on the couch and frantically switch between social media apps for eight hours in search of an increasingly elusive dopamine hit.

He said the laws were well overdue. “After eight hours looking at a computer screen at work, it’s important to be able to have another eight hours looking a smaller screen, without the worry that you might be interrupted by something on the bigger screen”.


Headline by Chris Auld @DamnYouChrisA

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