‘You Can’t Get More Aussie Than This!’ Says Man Wearing Flag Made in Guangdong Province — The Shovel

‘You Can’t Get More Aussie Than This!’ Says Man Wearing Flag Made in Guangdong Province

Shutterstock/Adam Calaitzis

A man draped in a flag made in a sprawling factory on the outskirts of Guangzhou says he’s never felt more Australian.

Shouting ‘Aussie, Aussie, Aussie’, the man proudly displayed the 1.5 metre flag which was made on the same production line as a Canadian flag, a Spanish soccer t-shirt, and a plastic dancing stars-and-stripes Uncle Sam figurine.

“You won’t find this anywhere else in the world,” the man said, pointing to his Australian flag-themed stubbie holder, which spent two months in a shipping container in Shanghai with a batch of New Zealand flag-themed stubbie holders, before being transported to Australasia, via Singapore.

The man said the paraphernalia, which was made for 43 cents by a 65 year-old man at the end of a 16-hour shift, was symbolic of Australian values.


This article was originally published in 2019

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