Scott Morrison Resigns From Politics to Take Up All 12 Million Private Sector Jobs — The Shovel

Scott Morrison Resigns From Politics to Take Up All 12 Million Private Sector Jobs


After 17 years in politics, Scott Morrison has confirmed he will move into the private sector, having already secretly sworn himself into all 12 million available roles, including yours.

While the former PM conceded those currently in the roles had not been made aware of the change, he assured them they wouldn’t notice any difference. “I won’t be doing any work. I’ll just be collecting the pay cheque at the end of each month, which is how these types of arrangements tend to work,” he said.

While Morrison has never worked in private enterprise, he does have extensive experience pretending to work in the sector. “If you look through my CV you’ll see I’ve pretended to be a truck driver, a hairdresser, a welder, a pilot, a cook, a cricket player and a builder. So I reckon this should be pretty straight forward,” he said.

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