Australians who are caught not revelling in the delight of Australia’s national day would receive a $149 on-the-spot fine under a Coalition Government, the Opposition Leader has confirmed.
Announcing the new measures, Dutton said 26th January was a special day for our nation and people better bloody well enjoy it.
“Australia Day is an absolute privilege and I would be very disappointed, furious in fact, if it wasn’t the highlight of the summer for each and every one of you,” Dutton said.
The Liberal Leader said Border Force and other national agencies would be used to personally ensure both citizens and permanent residents were having an absolute blast. “I don’t care what your excuse is. If you’re not having a fair dinkum crack at having a good time, then you better bloody well start enjoying yourself quick smart”.
Those not showing outward signs of enjoying themselves will be given one verbal warning, before being issued with the fine.