PM “Not At liberty To Discuss” Whether His Government Is Too Secretive — The Shovel

PM “Not At liberty To Discuss” Whether His Government Is Too Secretive


The Prime Minister has refused to either confirm or deny claims his government is obsessed with secrecy, saying that – due to matters which do not concern those present – it is not appropriate to divulge his opinions on the issue at this time.

“My opinions on the secrecy or otherwise of my Government is a sensitive topic, and not one that I’ll be providing a running commentary at a media conference,” he told journalists.

“Those opinions, if they are released, will be released in an appropriate way, through the appropriate channels, at the appropriate time, as has always been the protocol. But what I’m not going to do is speculate here and now on what those opinion might be. That’s not in the country’s best interests,” he said.

Coalition MP James Paterson earlier accused the Government of being ‘addicted to secrecy’. Scott Morrison was unavailable for comment.

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