A five-day search for David Warner’s precious baggy green cap has come to an end after Mum opened a cupboard and found it in five seconds.
“It’s definitely not there? You’re absolutely sure. You’ve definitely had a proper look? Don’t make me come down there and find it right in front of your eyes,” Mum said, before coming down and finding it right in front of his eyes.
Warner had earlier claimed that the cap was definitely lost. “It’s gone. A hundred percent someone’s stolen it. I’ve looked everywhere,” Warner claimed, leading Mum to ask “Where did you last have it?”
“It was in my backpack I swear,” Warner said, before Mum said “Righto, out of the way, let’s see how long it takes me to … oh there it is, on the shelf where you left it”.
Warner was unavailable for comment.
Headline by Jonathan Ward