Saying they didn’t want the hassle of being arrested or having their protests shut down, climate protestors have confirmed they will trial a new tactic at future demonstrations, dressing up as 21st Century supporters of Adolf Hitler.
“We just want our opinions to be heard without being told to move along. And the best way to do that is to dress in black, hold an Australian flag and salute the Fuhrer,” a climate protester, who did not want to be named until he was dressed up as a neo Nazi, said.
He said the new strategy was a practical measure to ensure their voice was heard. “When we call for an end to fossil fuel usage we generally get told to vacate the area. So we’re hoping that if we call for an end to fossil fuel usage and all brown and Jewish people, we’ll get to continue on with our protest”.
The protester confirmed that the classic Australian neo-Nazi costume included a black t-shirt, black shorts and a note from your Mum reminding you to be home for dinner by 7pm.