Football’s world governing body FIFA has welcomed Australia’s decision not to bid for the 2034 World Cup, saying the country did not yet meet the organisation’s strict standards for human rights abuses. It is expected to award the tournament to Saudi Arabia, a year after the event was held in Qatar.
“While we have seen encouraging signs of human rights abuses in offshore detention centres and other areas in Australia, we are yet to see the full-scale violation of basic rights that we look for in hosting countries,” FIFA President Giovanni Vincenzo said.
“A lot of people assume that what we’re looking for in a World Cup host nation is things like stadium infrastructure, a welcoming environment for travellers, or local support for the game. But of course that isn’t true at all. What we’re ideally after is nations that don’t allow women access to healthcare without permission from a male guardian, and that uses torture as criminal punishment. So while Australia might be a great place to watch a game, until it outlaws homosexuality or initiates forced labour, it’s really not going to get a look in”.
He said Australia was making some good progress but needed to go further. “I love what they’re doing with whistle-blowers. The childhood incarceration policies are great, and there’s been some good recent work done on restricting free assembly. So if they keep at it, maybe a 2038 World Cup is on the cards”.