The leader of the Opposition arrived at Parliament House today dressed as Peter Dutton, in a terrifying Halloween prank that startled school children and adults alike.
One group of school children ran straight towards the exit screaming, when they spotted Mr Dutton walking through the Parliament House foyer.
Holly McNavis, 14, said she won’t sleep tonight after seeing such a realistic portrayal of the member for Dickson. “I saw someone dressed up as Barnaby Joyce on last year’s trip, but this is next level,” she said.
In one incident, Mr Dutton – dressed to look like Liberal Party leader Peter Dutton – knocked on the door of a staffer. The staffer handed over food and treats and hid under his desk, begging the intruder not to play any tricks.
Mr Dutton plans to visit members of his electorate this evening as part of a regular doorknocking campaign. Householders are urged to have treats on hand, or risk having their house egged or families deported.