Lachlan Murdoch Relieved He Can Finally Shift Fox News To The Right — The Shovel

Lachlan Murdoch Relieved He Can Finally Shift Fox News To The Right

After two decades of having to endure the woke agenda set by his father, incoming Fox Chairman Lachlan Murdoch says he now finally has a chance to include some conservative talking points on the news network.

“When we’re sitting in the newsroom and someone says they want to run a story about how a cabal of child traffickers secretly overturned the 2020 Presidential election in order to install a New World Order, I’m looking forward to being able to say, ‘Yes ok, but what about the right-wing perspective?’”, the Murdoch heir said today.

“It’s about getting some balance into our reporting. For years we’ve run these one-sided stories saying that humans aren’t responsible for climate change. But for once it would be nice to say, well maybe George Soros is. You know, look at both sides”.

The 52-year-old said he also wanted to ensure the coverage of the upcoming US election presented arguments from both sides. “We don’t want to just hear from Donald Trump. We want to hear from all sorts of different people about why they like Donald Trump”.

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