Retired plumber Hank Philips says he would love to become a US Senator when he’s old enough.
“A lot of people say it’s just youthful thinking. And it’s true that I am probably a little too young and a little too lucid to be helping shape America’s laws, given I’m only in my mid 60s. But give it another fifteen to twenty years and I think I might be ready to join the legislature of the world’s most powerful country,” he said.
The Ohio man said he would feel out of his depth working in the Senate now at his young age. “I’m not ready. You don’t want to be making decisions about what books children can read or what young women can do with their bodies before you hit your eighties. There’s a perspective that only having lived in the 1940s can bring”.
Friends laughed when Philips shared his plans, saying he had lost his mind. “Not yet, unfortunately. Which is why I’m not quite ready,” he said.