Peter Dutton Releases 7-Minute Promo Video Showing His Softer Side — The Shovel

Peter Dutton Releases 7-Minute Promo Video Showing His Softer Side

Responding to weak polling numbers, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has shed his tough exterior to reveal a softer, creamier side, in an intimate 7-minute promo video released this week.


The video features family and friends of Mr Dutton, who say the Liberal leader is a real softy once you peel back the hard skin, cut him into small pieces, boil him for 20-30 minutes and then mash him with some milk and butter. “When he’s at home, he’s just like any other ordinary side dish in Australia really,” his wife said.

In the video Dutton says he doesn’t let criticism get to him. “People say all sorts of things about me – I often get roasted. But let me reassure you, I have a very thick, fibre-rich skin”.

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