Dutton Demands Labor Explain Why David Van Allegedly Assaulted Amanda Stoker — The Shovel

Dutton Demands Labor Explain Why David Van Allegedly Assaulted Amanda Stoker

In a fiery interview this morning, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says it is incumbent on the Labor Party to explain why Liberal Party Senator David Van allegedly squeezed the bottom of his Liberal Party colleague Amanda Stoker at a Liberal Party social event in 2020.

“The Labor Party has a lot to answer for here,” Dutton said. “What takes place at an informal Liberal Party social gathering – or after hours in a Liberal Party MP’s office, for that matter – is clearly their responsibility. I can’t be held accountable for the goings on at every Liberal Party function or meet up; that’s up to Labor to keep tabs on”.

He said he was sick of being held responsible for things that happen in his own party. “The whole thing is absurd. The idea that a staff member from the Liberal Party assaulting another staff member from the Liberal Party, in a Liberal Party setting, while a Liberal Party Government is in power, is the responsibility of the Liberal Party, is some pretty crazy thinking”.

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