Luckless Man Always Catching Bank When They’re Experiencing Unusually High Volume of Calls — The Shovel

Luckless Man Always Catching Bank When They’re Experiencing Unusually High Volume of Calls

Melbourne man Jim Regoli says he can’t catch a break after continuously getting in touch with his bank at the precise moments they are receiving more calls than they expected.

“I’ve called them three times in the past five days, which just happened to coincide with the three times they were experiencing unusually high call volumes. What are the chances?

“They’re taking normal call volumes all day long, and then – BAM! – the moment I call things ramp up unexpectedly, every single time. It’s such a coincidence,” he explained.

A spokesperson for the bank confirmed it was just an unlucky coincidence. “Today was a once-in-a-24-hour-event. Just like yesterday, and the day before that, we’ve been suddenly and unexpectedly swamped yet again. We can’t possibly plan for it”.

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