Kirrily Dutton was chastised by the Opposition Leader last night after she served up a chicken casserole without first explaining the ingredients in detail.
Peter Dutton said it was his expectation that when a new meal was added to the weekly roster, there would be a wide-ranging consultation process first. “Is this a creamy chicken casserole? Is it a chicken and chorizo casserole? Will seconds be available? These are the sorts of questions that need to be ironed out before asking the family to just blindly accept what’s put on the table,” Mr Dutton said.
Despite Ms Dutton providing the recipe book to her husband, as well as a series of notes she had taken during the preparation of the dish, Mr Dutton said he was not satisfied. “There is a lot of detail that has been requested and there are many more questions that have been posed today as a result of a recipe that was put forward this evening,” he said in a statement.
This morning Mr Dutton posted an open letter to his wife entitled, ’15 Questions Surrounding the Chicken Casserole You Cooked Last Night’. He is yet to receive a response.