Banks Launch Rainbow Logos to Show Support for All Types of Shameless Profit-Gouging — The Shovel

Banks Launch Rainbow Logos to Show Support for All Types of Shameless Profit-Gouging

Declaring that all types of ruthless money-making should be treated equally, banks across the country have revealed the rainbow logos they will use for the next two weeks before quickly reverting back to their original brand marks in mid March.

“We want to celebrate and acknowledge the full diversity of methods for generating a profit during a cost-of-living crisis. Every money-making strategy should feel included, and I think putting a rainbow on an ATM machine for two weeks is a great example of that,” a spokesperson for ANZ said.

A Westpac marketing spokesperson said its customers were happy to pay above market rates if it meant their monthly statement had a mutli-coloured strip at the top. “The thing is, it costs us nothing to use a different coloured logo and a fun font to tell our customers their interest rates are going up. But for our customers, it can mean the world. Or about $450 a month on a typical mortgage”.

NAB said profit-gouging had become more and more an accepted part of society. “Using rising interest rates as a cover for driving record profits used to be singled out and criticised. But no-one really even talks about it now, which is a great sign of progress”.

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