Innovative New Shopping Service Allows Customers to Send Christmas Gifts Directly to Landfill — The Shovel

Innovative New Shopping Service Allows Customers to Send Christmas Gifts Directly to Landfill

An online department store says it is ‘cutting out the middle man’ by allowing customers to send everything from toys and homewares to trampolines and outdoor settings straight to landfill, saving friends and family the hassle of doing it themselves in January. 

Under the scheme, shoppers buy Christmas gifts for friends and family as normal, then tick a ‘direct-to-landfill’ box at checkout. The store then pick the goods in the warehouse and places them onto a conveyer belt which leads to a big hole in the ground. The goods are later crushed.

Head of Consumer Goods, Bib Pollock, said the system makes a lot of sense. “Why go to the trouble of receiving goods, wrapping them, and then lugging them around to your family’s Christmas lunch, only to see those presents out on the median strip for January’s hard rubbish? Under our new scheme, you can dispose of the crap without even having to touch it.”

Shopper Dawn Dickson says she believes the idea will take off. “I’ve told my family that I’ll be using the landfill system this year and, frankly, they’re relieved. Saves them having to fake a smile when they get some tacky BBQ utensils kit they don’t want”.

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